Reasons for Indian students to consider the UK for an education abroad

World-class universities and colleges: UK provide world class education. It is home to some of the oldest and top universities of the world. Every year 5 to 6 universities of UK appear in the top 25 universities of the world. It is a favourite International Destination chosen by Indian Students which gives them an English-speaking Environment.

UK has modern learning and Multicultural Environment. UK also has multiple intakes with some short duration of courses. It also provides some research facilities. UK is the second most popular destination for international students, behind the US.

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The Health and Care Worker Visa is open to qualified health and adult social care professionals who wish to undertake an eligible job with the NHS, an NHS supplier or in adult social care.

Capri Overseas - Health & care Worker visa


The Health and Care visa is similar to the Skilled Worker Visa, both of these visas allow you to live and work in the UK, however, there are some differences. The Health and Care Worker Visa is only open to certain medical professionals and people in eligible health and care roles. Health and Care Visa holders pay reduced visa fees and are also not required to pay the Immigration Health Surcharge.

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